Fire-Rescue-EMR Students Visit KACC Construction Site
House 22 Utilized for Today's Curriculum
KACC Instructors support each other whenever possible. Today, KACC's Construction Technology Instructors, Jeff Umphrey and Doug Enz, welcomed Ed Leeson and his Fire-Rescue-EMR students to the construction site of House 22.
Mr. Leeson utilized the home being built to view how the roof, ceiling, and floor loads are supported and how to recognize signs of collapse. Students were able to learn about how fire can travel through the voids in a structure's walls, floors, and ceilings.
It also taught them how to identify various types of building materials and techniques which can be of help or can be a hindrance to firefighting operations.
All in all, it was another valuable lesson for our students.
Fun fact - Notice the nice job our students did on installing the roof!